Myths of Nature

ABOUT THIS PROJECT This work "Focus on Imagination" was created as part of the art manifestation "Myths of Nature". During this event, fifteen monumental works of art were set up along a route through the National Park Drents-Friese Wold in the Netherlands. The project made connections between art and environment, art and nature and art and society to raise awareness of the [...]

Commission “Nijestee”

ABOUT THIS PROJECT Housing corporation Nijestee commissioned this work as part of a project called "Pimp your main entrance", in which several main entrances of apartment buildings were provided with an artwork in cooperation with the residents. In 2 entrances of 2 different apartments in one street, a couple of wall-sized pictures were placed. The street is a [...]


ABOUT THIS PROJECT The Northern Maritime Museum in Groningen commissioned this series. They asked some artists to show their view of a particular lake in Groningen, The Netherlands. I made a photographic triptych in which I try to draw a line between the past and present. By using a pinhole camera and long exposure times, I tried to visualize the passage of time [...]